Optimising a website for search engines is necessary. De facto, the best website in the world does not exist if people cannot see it.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): improving ranking on search engines

Choosing to use a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) activity allows to improve a website, it means gaining a better presence, analysis and reading by search engines.

The SEO optimization of a site is functional both to its positioning on search engines and to the visibility, and therefore to the business development.

Nowadays, almost everything we do starts from a research over the internet, whether you want to answer your questions or look for a product to buy. For this reason it is necessary for us to have a visible and easily traceable website.

The SEO optimisation of a website happens through three main activities, aimed to rank the website on the top of a list and increase its visibility: 

  • Analyse and choose the keywords you want to use to rank
  • Optimise the website structure and create valuable contents meeting various research intents
  • Manage inbound links in order to have just high-quality links reaching your website

SEO consulting service to optimise your presence on search engines

COMMED I A offers SEO consulting service, operating both on the website structure and its textual and visual contents, producing excellent returns on investment.

Thanks to an inter-disciplinary team, including SEO experts, web designers, graphics, content writers, COMMED I A provides a fundamental support, in order to be visible in a world crowded by million of websites and billion of pages indexed on search engines.

seo zoom certificazione commedia lecce
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COMMED I A is a Communication and ICT Agency, Microsoft certified, based in Lecce and operating throughout Italy. Specialized in Web Solutions, thanks to a team of both Sitefinity and SharePoint developers, it plans and realises projects in the fields of graphic and web design, advertising, social media and web marketing, press office, political communication, PR and events, training.

Contacts Us

Via Foscarini, 18
73010 Lequile (LECCE)
P.Iva 03485250751

Phone: 0832 228509

Fax: 0832 220867

Email: [email protected]

Pec: [email protected]

Corporate Governance