COMMED I A solutions for companies training: the importance of being in step with the new digital technoligies.

Digital technologies play a strategic and important role in public corporations and private companies, becoming a huge source of innovation and success.

COMMED I A, after gaining a lot of experience, is able to offer valuable trainig supports in relation to ICT and Digital tranformation for companies, educational institutions and public authorities.

Training company workshops

COMMED I A provides training conferences, seminars, modular courses and technical workshops, guaranteeing proposals always on board with the world of work and business, ready to follow changes and updates of the discussed topics.

The training means used by COMMED I A are based on an active and participatory didactic methodology and both classroom interaction and discussion of case history play an important role.

Are you looking for a training course providing your company with new skills in the digital environment?

COMMED I A training courses, at our agency in Lecce or directly at your office on request, are result-oriented.


COMMED I A is a Communication and ICT Agency, Microsoft certified, based in Lecce and operating throughout Italy. Specialized in Web Solutions, thanks to a team of both Sitefinity and SharePoint developers, it plans and realises projects in the fields of graphic and web design, advertising, social media and web marketing, press office, political communication, PR and events, training.

Contacts Us

Via Foscarini, 18
73010 Lequile (LECCE)
P.Iva 03485250751

Phone: 0832 228509

Fax: 0832 220867

Email: [email protected]

Pec: [email protected]

Corporate Governance