Born at the end of the '90s, Mobile Commerce (also known as M-Commerce) seems to have succeeded in Italy too.
Mobile Commerce: users are revolutionising their online purchasing habits
Commercial transactions by means of mobile device have exceeded by far those carried out through computer, and keep performing weel on: it is possible to make online payments, order over the Internet an item previously seen in a shop and buy something by smartphone or other mobile devices.
It is an authentic revolution in the shopping experience, linked to the design evolution of smartphones that providesnusers with an improved surfing and item visualisation.
Mobile development strategy in line with the Mobile Commerce
A mobile e-commerce website generates the majority of the website traffic.
Companies need to identify a mobile development strategy following some channels, including:
- the realization of an e-commerce website or an optimised website for mobile devices
- the realization of an App for mobile devices
COMMED I A and its team provide their clients with professionalism in order to realise E-commerce websites, that support payment methods demanded by users who are increasingly used to online payments, and support the clients in identifying company strategies aimed to Mobile Commerce.